Holden Smith Consultancy (HSC) were commissioned by its client who disputed a valuation in a Payless Notice it received that valued the works at £10,000, and a claim it made for delay and disruption that was unpaid.
The Process
HSC reviewed the evidence and evaluated the claim for the true value to include a delay and disruption claim based on factual demonstrations from the evidence, as regards progress and productivity, and a common sense approach to the application of the terms of the contract to that evidence in the Time Slice Windows Analysis method for delay, and the Measured Mile Analysis method for disruption.
The Result
Following the submission of the updated account and claim the parties met and agreed a payment of £150,000 in an amicable settlement of the dispute to the benefit of our client in receiving an acceptable payment and the benefit of the other party in avoiding a potentially costly dispute.
If you required assistance with any type of contractual claim do not hesitate to get in touch for a Free Preliminary Review.
Managing Director :Mark Holden-Smith
Tel: 07834284308
Email: mark@holden-smith.com